Avocado Benefits and Use
Avocado Super food
AVOCADO Culinary Use and Benefits
The avocado or Persea Americana is a fruit that belongs to the family of Lauraceae. Avocado refers to the tree’s fruit, which is botanically a large berry containing a single large seed. There are dozens of varieties of avocado ranging in size, colour and texture but the most popular of all is the creamy Hass variety.
Avocados are commercially valuable and are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates throughout the world. Avocado trees require frequent, deep watering to bear optimally, particularly in spring, summer, and fall. The avocado is a climacteric fruit, which matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. The flesh softens to a buttery texture that has become extremely popular in everything from toast toppings to desserts.
Avocados are native to Central and South America and did not appear in the UK until the mid-1900s. They are now commercially produced in the US, Caribbean, Mexico, Brazil, Israel and Australia. The climate in UK does not favour Avocado to grow in UK.
At every party and in soups, or with salads, avocado was part of many meals. In North, Central and South America avocado is mainly in savoury dishes. It is also used in the preparation of milkshakes or sweet desserts in places such as Brazil, Philippines, Vietnam, and southern India. They also add avocado to ice cream and other desserts. The avocado is popular in vegetarian cuisine as a substitute for meats in sandwiches and salads because of its high fat content. It is used as the base for the Mexican dip known as guacamole as
well as a spread on corn tortillas or toast, served with spices. Avocado is a primary ingredient in avocado soup. Avocado slices are frequently added to hamburgers, tortas, hot dogs, and carne asada. Avocado can be combined with eggs (in scrambled eggs, tortillas, or omelettes), and is a key ingredient in California rolls.
Avocados are considered as a “superfood” and have a special position in the food calorie pyramid. Avocados are rich in various nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Avocados are an excellent source of monounsaturated fat and vitamin E.
Avocados are high in calories due to the high fat content. It’s monounsaturated fat, which is a “good” fat that helps lower bad cholesterol. Avocados have more soluble fibre than other fruit and contain a number of useful minerals such as iron, copper and potassium and are a good source of the B vitamin which help you fight off disease and infection. Avocados are low in sugar.
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