Anjula Devi
My core inspiration is pure and simple – my love of authentic and traditional Indian food. I want to destroy the myth that Indian food is complicated. It was this love of cooking which propelled me to open my own cookery school. However, I knew that on its own my passion and love of Indian food wasn’t enough to start up a business. I did a lot of research initially and could see there was a gap in the market for showcasing traditional Indian food in my local and surrounding area. Every business builds in its own unique way over time, and mine has subsequently been driven by word of mouth. I am now an author and I have worked with a range of retailers, food manufacturers and leading publications. After launching a range of Indian cooking products and a ‘How to’ book on Indian cooking with Lakeland UK, I launched my cookery book ‘Spice for Life’, in April 2017. I am also Brand Ambassador for the world’s largest Indian food company,TRS Foods, and have created my own brand – ‘Route 207’. Words from ‘Anjula Devi Food consultant writer interview’ on Fine dining Indian food magazine.
What was the motivation behind starting your website?
My inspiration came from my Dad at a very early age. He taught me to cook when I was 10 years old. By the age of 12, I was his ‘right hand man/girl’ when we catered for large Indian weddings. I could see the joy Dad brought to people’s faces and the genuine praise he received from strangers wanting to meet him and find out more about his food. I wanted to bring joy to friends, family and people I had never met before, by the simple act of cooking great food. The laughter rings around my house when we entertain great company with great food. My Dad used to say “Anjula it’s the humblest of ingredients that make the tastiest of dishes”. This eventually led to me starting my own business and launching my website.
What was your initial Investment and work behind starting the website?
The initial investment in setting up my business was probably only £1000. I did a lot of searching for bargains, but I knew that good quality products like knives and pans were essential. I also realised that I needed a good website to be the core of my marketing efforts. The website was basic initially, but enough to attract people to it. When it came to shaping the content of my website, to reflect my initial business proposition, I relied on my judgement and instincts. I knew that I had to tell my personal story, have images that intrigued people and the overall content had to meet my potential customers’ needs. I decided to have a link on my home page to an independent testimonial website where my customers provided feedback on my business and I supplemented the website by building a strong social media platform.
How did you overcome the setbacks that you faced?
I have never been one for following the crowd, which has led people on occasion to behave negatively towards me. However, it also means that I tend to do things in a unique way, and I think that this is what has made my food and my business attractive propositions over time. Even when people have been critical, I am now able to see this as a compliment and it usually spurs me on. I always draw strength from the many things that my Dad, who was a culinary genius, told me. Whatever setbacks I have faced, I always try to believe in my own ability, skills and knowledge. My Dad used to say “Anjula, talent will see the light of day”.
Who or what was your support system in the beginning?
My number one supporter has always been my husband, closely followed by my two sons and my sister, Shanti. Running your own business, with all that this entails, can be a considerable responsibility and I could not have achieved what I have without them. Whilst my main supporters are my family, I’m extremely lucky that they also have some good experience in running a company, marketing and budgeting. It’s very important to mention this, as sometimes whilst your family can offer you lots of support it’s also important you have some sound business perspectives. I have been lucky that my family are able to do both.
What are the innovations you are taking on in Indian cuisine and how you research, develop new recipes?
I am so lucky that my passion is my work. I love food, and start every day wondering what I can make for a tasty breakfast. I have a natural fascination in all of the food that I see. I often see something in another dish that inspires me to try to make my own adaptation of it. Mostly though, I just decide to give something a go. It may have never been made exactly that way before, but I have always loved the pure joy of creating something new. I have been working on something for over a year and am about to launch this exciting innovation, so I can’t say too much just yet. I really hope that this could help to change the way that people perceive Indian food.
we thank Anjula Devi Food consultant writer interview on her success .
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