Shivya Mishra Freelancing Associate Fine dining Indian
Shivya Mishra Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is becoming the most significant thing in our today‘s world. Many big names are coming out from various parts of the world. India too is giving some of the big names in Digital Marketing.
Very few Women/Girls names come as Digital marketer in India and the world. Out of that few, we got the chance to talk with the rising talent of India-Shivya Mishra.
Shvya Mishra is one of the few Freelancers associated with Fine dining Indian Food magazine in promoting Indian restaurant business though the Magazine .
In conversation with one of the leading Digital Marketer in India : Shivya Mishra.
Tell us something about you, Shivya.
Shivya Mishra: Well, I am a regular girl like others. Maybe my dreams are a little different than others. Right now enjoying my life with family friends and business people.
Why Digital Marketing? How all started.
Shivya Mishra: I was a science student, and it was not easy for me to jump in a totally different field. I know many languages like German, and all did job for three years before getting into Digital Marketing. But I felt I should try something new and exciting, and then I jump into Digital Marketing.I always assume how Internet and social media and everything works. So it became an obvious choice for me. I started Digital Marketing and PR work from 2019.
How much you invest in your work?
Shivya Mishra: Digital Marketing and PR field you don’t need money you need mind and regular update in work. It requires time and knowledge.After learning new things, you have to plan everything for the client as clients entirely depend on your work; one wrong step can damage the online reputation of the client.
How you approach your clients? I mean you work for a specific field or people?
Shivya Mishra: Well, today, everyone wants Digital Marketing, so I do lots of research in Social Media. Observe people and then approach them. I have worked with all kinds of Entrepreneurs, Film Stars, Businesses, sportspeople, Entertainment world, Musician and all.
Have you seen a slowdown in your work till now?
Shivya Mishra: I feel there is nothing like a slowdown, I always think positive, yes sometimes budget becomes an issue, but that’s the part of the business we have to adjust occasionally. I believe in giving the best in my work money is secondary, and maybe because of that, my luck has favoured me, and I am getting good work regularly.
Who Inspires you?
Shivya Mishra: NO ONE, I love to try new things in my life. Digital Marketing and PR was part of a new project, and luckily it worked now. I am planning to take it to the next level in the coming years with new strategies.
Any tips you want to give for newcomers?
Shivya Mishra: Work Hard, think positive, adjust according to client need, sometimes you might not earn from the project, but completing the project will strengthen your profile and clients will refer the name to others.
Tell us about your future goals.
Shivya Mishra: Frankly speaking, I don’t set goals and all in life, I work with flow, you never what is the store for you in life. Yes, one thing I do is updating myself regularly to good for my clients.
Read about Other Freelancers of Fine dining Indian food magazine
Finediningindian Magazine previous issues
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