Chefs How to Promote yourself or your buisiness Learn “The LADY GAGA Style”
Skills plus new age media results fame
Two words: social media. Sure, Gaga had a fair share of old-school artist development — radio play — to become the first artist to score four consecutive No. 1 singles from a debut album. But she’s also put a new-media spin on her distribution strategy. The November premiere of her video for “Bad Romance,” for example, debuted on LadyGaga.com before MTV or any other outlet could play it — resulting in a Universal Music server crash, a Twitter trending topic that lasted all week and a cumulative 110 million (and counting) views on YouTube to date, more than any viral music video of yore (OK Go, anyone?) could ever claim. Vevo, a music video site co-founded by Universal Music Group, also recently reported a whopping 20% of its traffic came from just Lady Gaga videos — as in 1 in 5 videos streamed on the site was likely to be a song such as “Poker Face,” “Just Dance” or “LoveGame.”
What we can learn from Gaga’s style of performance and behaving.
she do mysterious things on stage , out of the ordinary costume sense, pick up fights , courageous interviews, stands on her thoughts even it may be stupid in others view. But what ever she do , its well calculated and aim to reach the targeted audience .
Be Passionate in what you do passion keeps you motivated and focused in what you do. it will energize you in achieving your goal. Lady gaga always wanted to be a superstar singer she started at an early age.her passion kept her focus on her goals .As a chef you have to be really passionate , your daily life is challenged by high expectations and various customer demands. In order to keep up with your demands and find your self motivated your passion for cooking has to be so deep.when your passion is your profession you seldom feel boring or tired and eventually with patience you attain success.
Show Off when you know what you doing is out of the ordinary there are so many normal things happening around the world, normal people talks about it . but when you do out of ordinary things sow off let the world knows and be confident about your potential.
These are most important points from some great marketing techniques adapted by Lady Gaga, there are more celebrity marketing tactics we can get inspire from
Behave like what you want to be, be it a celebrity chef or a Famous chef .convince yourself with positive affirmation eventually that will turn True one day