Top Restaurant Website Keywords Searched on Google for Restaurants in India
You have a fantastic restaurant also a great Website which you payed loads to develop.but have you checked recently on the different search engines in internet how your website is performing.we strongly suggest you should check this on regular basis if not daily at-least on weekly basis . if you have a it consultant or it professional working for you His/her main objective you will set has to be maximum number of Hits to your website compared to your competitors.There are many website which offers free keyword Traffic generator tool, but we recommend Google keyword generator it gives you a detailed insight on each keywords performance.
Google Adwords
when you signup for a Google adwords account Google will provide you a free voucher to try Google adwords.This will give you an opportunity to find how the adwords work try it till the voucher exist.Then you can decide to continue or not.you can also use some of the free tools along with the Ad-words account.Like Keyword generator,ad-placement,Traffic estimator tool are some. we had downloaded some of the top searched keywords and on the side is the number of times each search happened this will give you an insight when adding keywords to your site or planning ads for your site.
Develop Keyword Rich Contents
Keep the following list of keyword. Try to develop contents ,Recipes and articles forr your website or sites blog with these keyword related subjects.
Main thing when you develop your post title if you have blog select the first three words around some of these keywords and be assured you start generating traffic through those post which have one of these keywords in it.
Top searched Restaurant Keywords
Keyword Global Monthly Searches
indian restaurant 1220000
“””indian restaurant””” 550000
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“””restaurants in india””” 3600
top restaurants in india 2900
safe food in india 170
“””top restaurants in india””” 73
“””safe food in india””” 5
restaurants in 68000000
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“””good restaurants””” 135000
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