Interview With Chef Gaggan Anand Worlds best Indian chef
Fine dining Indian Interviews worlds best Indian chef

Gaggan Anand
How you convinced your investor or partner
Was there any ground works before?
This restaurant is a result of a drunken night. Me and partner we were drunk and I just said let’s open up a restaurant. And we started working towards it. I quit my job then one which I had. And we were on this project. And with all the blessings good we took this decision. And we did it.
How you get into the radar of world’s best restaurant awards?
A lot you learn when you start working on an international platform. You come in contact with many people who know more than you. You learn from them. And most importantly you say yes to all the opportunities that come your way. Pull it off by hook or by crook. Keep working towards your goal and keep making your food better without doubting your creativity and as well assessing the market you are thriving in. All that comes with experience and struggle in various fields and there you are suddenly noticeable while moving towards your goal.
How things in ell-Bulli turned out for you?

Bon Bon
I was in Spain in the lab of El Bulli, for 3 months. The techniques I learned from there only helped as my roots were stronger. You need to have a strong base. From where you can emerge and move forward. That would take you to places. Adapt the techniques but create your own identity. Because you can copy once or twice. That will do extremely well for a few months. But if you don’t have your own creativity then u will die fast very soon. This formula worked for him really well. And it helped him.
What would have You – Gaggan as a chef doing if you were not influenced by El Bulli?
I would have found inspiration from somewhere else. You are born with the passion for questioning where you are growing up, what you are doing and what you would want to do. If you don’t question your purpose of doing things you will not push your boundaries. So, that would have got me somewhere else. OR I would have created something entirely on my own. Ha .. ha.!! quite capable. Whether it would be as successful or not that we don’t know. But, series of failures only can describe your success. If someone has zero fear of failure only those who can succeed and I have no such failure or fear. I learn from it and try again.

What were the advantages and disadvantages .. being an Indian chef in international level?
It was never about being an Indian Chef that was the obstacle. Bringing the Indian food to the limelight was the challenge. As Indian food all over the world was considered as heavy greasy curry that was usually eaten post heavy drinking with heavy naan bread. Which you do need sometimes, but India is blessed with many cuisines due to different cultures and weather. That I saw and had the urge for the world to see it. That was my inspiration and the challenge was how to present it in a new way and a way where people who have never tasted those flavours should fall in love with those flavours. And I had to deal with that challenge. I always say “Food is the hero”. Now we have a very international team Unknown to the flavours yet known to the flavours now. So, it’s never about the creator but always the creation. Buy Buy Beyond curry cook book from Finediningindian
Current or future projects you have?

We are always coming up with something new. Will keep coming up with them. More the ideas more the projects. Can’t reveal all or some one with more resources will make that idea happen tomorrow.
Giving back to India .. or for a Future generation?
work hard, stay focused, believe in yourself and truly love what u do. There is a process and a journey one has to go through. Keep an eye on your goal but same time doesn’t deny the journey. Take everything as a part of growing up.
It would have many ups and downs and many failures and some success. Embrace all. Run straight after the success you would have nothing in your hand. Go through the grind. To become Gold, you have to go through the fire. There are no shortcuts in life. Slow and steady wins the race.
About Family how he manages time?
One has to. Isn’t it. It’s all about priorities. IF you value it then you will make time for it.
How and whre you draw Motivation and Inspiration?
From everything. You should have an intention of seeking inspiration. If one has that. You will see inspiration in everything. And you will know what I mean. Nature, colours, seasons, animals, people, pictures, art, music. Everything.

What you read and how you keep updated. How you get new ideas?
Innovation and creation are what contributes to life. Whether you are a chef or from any other profession. IF you stop learning and you think you know it all then that would be the end of it. I read a lot, watches documentaries. All kinds coming my way.
But Indian small sharing Plate cook Book
Any pep talk for Indian chefs who dream big?
Patience, perseverance, passion, productivity and approach.
Fun question .. as a Famous Indian chef who he picks in his brigade. Including yourself to run rest for a day.
Choose Kitchen Porter, apprentice, commis, chef de partie, sous chef, head chef, exec chef?
(seems he cleverly avoided this one)
most times I am a bit kind of a loner yet friendly. I find time to rests with my family and my team, my music.
How you judge a young chef and how you test him/her?
Attitude. Most important. Skills you can teach and attitude towards learning is important.
What makes you say – wow in terms of food … any incident to mention .. This after becoming no.1?
(he finds this as a bit Irrelevant question)
As being No. 1 is the part of the journey. There were many wow moments to be No. 1 So, appreciate those wow moments.
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