Relax and Re-energise
why its Important to Relax article on Fine dining Indian Food magazine
You need to rest your body and mind with out ding anything . Do this once in a day be it in a form of meditation or a sound sleep with out any disturbance. In the field of culinary world one must be creative and has to have the thinking hat on all time . For this we need our mind to travel free with out any disturbance . learn life experience from our Contributor Meenakshi Kumari who works with the famous Chef Gaggan Anand
Why is important to relax?
Well, me writing about this topic at this very moment makes more sense as I am the last person on the planet who can relax and take it easy. But this where the burn out begins and stress take over your mind and the creativity level goes to zero and we wonder what’s going on with our lives?
Everyone has a way or needs to find a way to relax and take it easy for a bit. Find pleasure in things that are not very much related to your work to find inspiration. Creating a schedule to do things that could enhance your spontaneity level and make you go from one point to another. Anyone who comes back after a little break is usually glowing, feeling fresh and more charged. We all have the stress to be somewhere and to achieve something in life we always forget that we need to put ourselves first as well.
As I love putting myself in limelight haha just kidding. But I can explain this better with my own example. With things going around me and the pace of my life and the stress I go through I always feel that I am not doing enough and the burst of energy I carry, I am still learning how to say no and how to put myself first. How to use that excess combustion of energy in the right way and learn to relax.
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I discovered I was losing my level of spontaneity and my impulse of doing things for myself. I realised that I was just constantly working and the productivity level was just going down. As my brain can only push to a certain point and then it’s a shutdown. The excess combustion of energy that I carry was being misused as I was focusing on the people who I adore for their sympathy and care. And in the bargain, I had forgotten how to enjoy my own company and that made me angry, frustrated, moody and a pretty ugly person walking around like a volcano.
Relax and Stress
And the result of stress and outbursts I went through major changes in my physical body. The stress took over the worst of me and I had to begin with my physiotherapy sessions for handling my stress in the neck and stiff shoulders and of course, I had put on weight for just over indulging in life and taking myself for granted and letting it go. So, I decided to change myself and my life and my way of looking at the things. I am forcing myself to take a break away from the people I work and just spend 4 days eating around in London. Shopping, hanging out with my girl friends and myself. Just enjoying and be myself , for myself without feeling guilty.
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I decided to relax by reading, massages, workout, going out for coffees and spending time by myself to reconnect with my own self and take a break from this hectic lifestyle by drinking less, eating healthy and keeping my mind calm and finding new things to do on my own and having to know that it is needed “me time”. And that would give me boost for a new level of productivity and joy and happiness. So, if one thinks relaxation is not important.
Continuous Effort to Relax
I would say I am still learning and finding ways to relax. One should definitely relax and enjoy being with themselves with out any obligations, as you would find better ways to deal with life and in more positive ways. And you won’t be ready to put out your ugly side on the other people and won’t kill anyone anytime soon.
Relax to relax yourself by yourself and with yourself.
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Read and Download Fine dining Indian food magazine August 2017 Edition – Issue 6.we are very grateful to feature Chef Girish Gopinathan Only Two Michelin star chef in the world, Master chef India Finalist Karishma sakhrani, Street food from Kolkata, Food Tasting on Kricket restuarnt in London…
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