Halasana Yoga
Learn yoga Halasana Plow posture
Halasana termed as Plow position need to done with extreme caution. The name comes from the Sanskrit words ‘hala’ meaning “plow” and ‘asana’ meaning “posture” .
In the Hectic modern life style Yoga (Try Pranayama) is a Great Relaxation technique it keeps our body and Mind very sharp. It revitalises us to perform better .
1. Lie flat on the back with the legs and feet together. Place the arms beside the body with the palms facing down.
2.Relax the whole body.
3. Inhale and raise both legs to a vertical position, keeping them straight and together, using the abdominal muscles.
4. Press down on the arms and lift the buttocks, rolling the back away from the floor. Exhale and lower the legs over the head.
5. Try to touch the toes to the floor behind the head.
6. Do not force the ties to touch the floor.
7. Turn the palms up, bend the elbows and place the hands behind the rib cage to support the back as in the shoulder stand.
8. Inhale slowly and deeply and exhale slowly. Relax and hold the final pose for as long as comfortable.
9. Return to the starting position by lowering the arms with the palms facing down, then slowly exhale and lower the back and buttocks to the floor.
10. Raise the legs to the vertical position. Using the abdominal muscles, lower the legs to the starting position, keeping the knees straight.
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Precaution for HALASANA
This asana should not be practised by those who suffer from a hernia, slipped disc, sciatica, high blood pressure or any serious back problem.
Benefits of HALASANA
1. The movement of the diaphragm which takes place during the practice of Halasana massages all the internal organs.
2. Activate the digestion, relieving constipation, revitalises the spleen.
3. Promote the production of insulin by the pancreas and improves liver and kidney function.
4. It strengthens the abdominal muscles, relieves spasms from the back muscles, tones the spinal nerves and increases blood circulation to the whole area.
5. It also regulates the activities of the thyroid gland and stimulates the thymus gland, boosting the immune system.
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