What Makes the Best Indian Recipe Really ‘The Best’?
And How Can You Make One On Your Own?
Today is the day when we are going reveal all the secrets behind every the Best Indian recipe. To be honest, it is quite impossible to reveal everyone’s secret recipe, because, in India, every mother or grandma keeps her own ‘secret recipes’. They transfer this secret to their offspring. It is like a family tradition. What a tasty and soul-satisfying tradition! But don’t worry this article comprises the elements which are the foundation of every Indian’s own special ‘ingredient.’
And who knows you may end up inventing your own little magic Indian recipe.
All right, people, it is time to update your culinary collection.
The secret behind every “The Best Indian Recipe” is its colorful and kaleidoscopic mixture of spices. Yeah, the spices and herbs are an integral part of Indian cuisine. You can observe the vast collection of spices in any Indian kitchen. It is quite odd and at the same time amusing to see how these various spices mixed with a certain quantity can make a dish taste so good that you cannot stop but lick your fingers. But remember, the quantity matters a lot!
So, people, the secret has been revealed. Make your own spice mixtures and try them in different kind of dishes, observe how the distinctive taste of every spice is affecting the overall taste. Then find the perfect one and voila, you have got your own Indian recipe.
It is amazing, isn’t it? That how you can invent new thing from the same ingredients. It is more like a painting. All you need is, same colors, same canvas, a boundless imagination and a little creativity for garnishing, and ladies & gentlemen, you get your own Master-Piece.
Now that you know the secret behind all those popular Indian Recipes, it is time to create your own. We have handpicked a couple of famous Indian spices as your quick start guide.
Cardamom is the mother of all Indian spices. This is why it is called carda”MOM.” All right, you got us; we are just kidding.
The cardamom comes in two colors, green and black. Mostly the green cardamoms are used widely in many popular Indian recipes. To be more precise, this spice is used in many Indian desserts like Lassi, Kheer, and Shree Khand, etc.
It has a sweet and mind flavor. One more thing, if you want you to use it in your dish, you should open up the pod and take out the black-brownish seeds. Now crush these seeds gently. Refrain from making its fine powder. As you grind the seeds, you can smell its mild aroma. Try this yourself and see how you can use it in your new dish.
Black Pepper
Believe it or not but a couple of centuries back this native Indian spice was exported to other countries and the price was Gold. Don’t worry; these little wrinkled black seeds will not cost you sparkling yellow gold. But yeah, the price may vary. The main reason behind this fact is, the black pepper can only grow in certain natural conditions and the quality can be affected by the amount of rainfall and natural cycles.
We all are aware of the flavor of the black pepper. But the next time you use this spice in your dish, keep in mind that long ago it could cost you a significant amount of gold. Stay amused!
Well… Well… Well… Look! What do we have here? The most expensive spice of the whole world, the “Caviar” of spices, ladies & gentlemen, please put your hand together for Saffron! One pound of these beautiful and eye-catchy stigmas may cost you around $5,000 to $10,000 (Depending on the quality). This depicts that the Indians are really serious about their food.
While you wonder about the whopping price a spice, let you offer you a lemonade of facts behind this overwhelming cost. The saffron is the stigma of a type of crocus flower specially grown in Kashmir (In India), Iran and Spain. Each flower contains only 3 stigmas. Therefore, in order to obtain a whole pound of saffron one has to grow these flowers in a vast area, as large as a football ground. And the stigmas can only be picked by hand. Feeling okay yet?
Saffron is a hot as well as expensive spice. Therefore, it is added in a little quantity in the dishes.
So how about an expensive and classy dish then?
There are many other spices we have in our culinary collection. We will talk about it some other day. We hope that you liked our list. And probably planning to use these spices in your “Best Indian Recipe.” Any ideas? If you want to discuss some ideas, just send us an email. We would love to talk to some passionate (Foodies) people.
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