Kerala Floods

Kerala Floods and lesson to learn

Kerala Floods


Kerala Floods and lesson to learn

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Kerala – Gods own country

Kerala Floods and lesson to learnkerala witnessed one of the heaviest and dangerous rainfall over the years. people from all standard of life were affected around 417 people lost the life. positive side people stood together an especially young crowd, Fisherman community and armed forces. young generation kept their spirits high and kept a very positive atmosphere in rescue and relief operation

Kerala received heavy monsoon rainfall on the mid-evening of August 8 resulting in dams filling to capacity; in the first 24 hours of rainfall, the state received 310 mm (12 in) of rain. Almost all dams have been opened since the water level has risen close to overflow level due to heavy rainfall, flooding local low-lying areas. For the first time in the state’s history, 35 of its 42 dams have been opened.

Most of the regions affected by this monsoon were classified as ecologically-sensitive Kerala floods on fine dining indian magazinezones by the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel, the Gadgil Committee. Most of the recommendations and directions by the committee were either neglected or rejected. Chairman of the committee Madhav Gadgil accused the state government and its irresponsible environmental policy for the recent landslides and floods. He called it a “man-made calamity”.




Kerala Floods and lesson to learnOnam is a major annual event for Malayali people in and outside Kerala. It is a harvest festival, one of three major annual Hindu celebrations along with Vishu and Thiruvathira, and it is observed with numerous festivities.Onam celebrations include Vallam Kali (boat races), Pulikali (tiger dances), Pookkalam (flower arrangement), Onathappan (worship), Onam Kali, Tug of War, Thumbi Thullal (women’s dance), Kummattikali (mask dance), Onathallu (martial arts), Onavillu (music), Kazhchakkula (plantain offerings), Onapottan (costumes), Atthachamayam (folk songs and dance), and other celebrations. It is the New Year day for kerala Hindus.

The Onam sadya (feast) is another very indispensable part of Thiruvonam, and almost Kerala Floods and lesson to learnevery Keralite attempts to either make or attend one. The Onasadya reflects the spirit of the season and is traditionally made with seasonal vegetables such as yam, cucumber, ash gourd and so on. The feast is served on plantain leaves and consists of nine courses, but may include over two dozen dishes.

In hotels and temples, the number of curries and dishes may go up to 30. The importance of the feast to the Kerala’s Onam celebration culture is captured in the famous Malayalam proverb “Kaanam Vittum Onam Unnanam” which means “One must have the Onam lunch even selling his property, to have so”.The Travancore-style Onasadya is renowned to be the most disciplined and tradition-bound.

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Fine dining indian Food Magazine - September 2018 Issue 8

By Finediningindian . in Finediningindian Food Magazine 2018

30 pages, published 8/25/2018

Dear Readers,its been a year’s Gap we are publishing our magazine againwe are dedicating this issue and all its revenue after expenses goes to the Relief Fund for Kerala government. Kerala my home place badly hit by the recent floods.We are so grateful and happy that Fine dining Indian is Recognised Worldwide for its Vision, Our readers are increasing day by day. I would personally like to thank My wife Supriya premaraj, and all…
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