Gunpowder London Food Tasting Reveiw
Gunpowder London Food Tasting
Indian Home style Kitchen Seating is very small and mainly of a street food out let Result being people end up queuing as there is only 20 or more seating available also no booking.
Is the food that great worth queuing a question to ask before you stay on-line Our mind-set we follow where the crowd goes.
Gunpowder London Food Tasting
Its best to see who is this crowd – Restaurant goers who are not open to tamed Indian cuisine in london. which generally lacks the punch we Indians are used to to. so its natural when when word of Mouth spread there is a restaurant that gives spicy Indian food – Its seen as authentic .
Yes its bit different from all Indian london restaurants fine dining or a curry house , casual dining or an Indian take away.
We visited the restaurant on a trail for market research we wanted to do before finalising menu for our Indian small plate sharing consultancy project for a new Indian restaurant in earls court.
The dishes we tasted are below . we taste take notes and only go back to pictures, notes after few weeks mainly to realise what memories those dishes bring back. the ones taste amazing will stay in our memory.
Click To see GunPowder Video
Only two dishes that stood out is the lamb rack and crispy crab
Its best not to call our tasting experience as a restaurant review – for the Fact for a perfect review you need to visit Restaurant at-least three times judge the average for consistency .
Find below the dishes From Gunpowder London Food Tasting
Gun Powder Entrance
Rasam Ke Bomb
Spicy – Only Got Tomato flavour Rather the traditional pepper,curryleaf or garlic flavour with tamarind hint
Gunpowder London Food Tasting
Karvari Crab
Crispy fried soft shell crab with a nice tangy sauce , as the sauce been poured on top . at places crab is soggy.
Aloo Chaat
Sold as signature dish – It’s a normal aloo chaat nothing special for a signature dish – I can see the idea to up sell as this must be a great profit margin giving dish in Menu. as its way cheaper to produce.
Pulled Duck Chettinadu Uthappam
Chettinadu cuisine is what the chettiyar community of tamilnadu made famous. Its spicy and Flavourful. Here in this dish Dosa tend to be in dry side ,Bland and the chettinadu is dominating tomato than flavours.
Lamb Chop Kashmiri
I’m Assuming its Based on famous Tabak Maas a great recipe from Kashmiri valley – this a great lamb dish which stood out on the entire tasting nicely chargrilled yet succulent.
Molten Chocolate and Chai custard
It was not molten in centre came fully baked . Chai custard lacked flavour and very runny to call it as a custard . Need to revisit recipe and retrain the chefs.
Gunpowder London Food Tasting
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Disclaimer :
we are not responsible in any way supporting or demoralising the restaurant business we only write about the dish we tasted on that particular time. it may be better or worse at times depending on various circumstance going in kitchen . consistency is key for any restaurants success.