Fine dining Indian Cook Book Press release
Master Chef UK Semifinalist chef Bobby geetha Self-published Fine Dining Indian Cook Book During Lock Down from Home
Indian Chef Consultant Bobby Geetha who was the top rated chef contestant at BBC Master chef Uk professional season 8 .
For Immediate Release
London — 19/06/2020 — Today Chef Bobby geetha has launched a New cook book Named “ Fine dining Indian” , Chef Bobby geetha is currently In Dubai and will be Returning to Uk by July . His recent Project in Dubai , Middle east was being a Corporate chef for a 21 outlet Indian Restaurant chain that has 3 outlets in UK too .
Chef Bobby Geetha Utilised his 3 month long lock down time at home in producing recipes and dishes for his “ Finediningindian” YouTube channel now he has published the book through Amazon self-publishing Platform.
“ I have to set an example for all chefs out there each one of us are an artist on our own rights . don’t wait till someone offers a hand . Just do amazing things with what is in our reach” Says Chef Bobby Geetha
” Fine Dining Indian : Easy To Cook Restaurant Recipes At Home ” ★★★
The concept of this cook book is to bring fine cooking accessible to all house hold and to Indian restaurants .
“ Fine Dining Indian ” cook book is a vision in achieving positive eating and cooking habit in Indian kitchens . Fine dining is never about eating in a posh restaurant . It is about the choosing the fine ingredients , fine cooking techniques to produce finest recipe possible .
The Book emphasis on the concept of Indian food and its relation to the five elements . Pancha Bhoota or Pancha Maha-Bhoota, five great elements, also five physical elements, is a group of five basic elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all cosmic creation.
- Sweet-Earth & Water
- Sour-Earth & Fire
- Salt -Water & Fire
- Pungent -Fire & Air
- Bitter-Air & Ether
- Astringent -Air & Earth
Some of the Unique recipes given here are Achari Octopus , Wildboar sausage Vadapav , Tapioca poppadom , Lamb sweet bread shami kebab , Duck egg naan roll and many more .
” The Book brings out the importance of we are what we eat and food can strongly affect our emotions ”
Chef Bobby Geetha was one of the final 10 chef In BBC master chef season 8. Who surprised Chef Marcus waering , Chef Monica galetti and celebrity food critics like Jay Rayner , William Sitwell through his innovative Indian dishes though his international cooking skills. His Previous project in London before heading to Dubai was an up market Indian restaurant . Which was included in Forbes Top 7 London Indian restaurant list mainly due to Innovative Local focused Indian Dishes .
Founded in 2011, Fine Dining Indian Ltd . The company does Chef consultancy for Indian food Business , On line Magazine , Cook Books , Cooking videos , Chef Master Class and Brand Promotions
Fine Dining Indian Ltd and Product are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Fine Dining Indian Ltd In Uk and rest of the world
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
For more information, press only:
Ms. Supriya Premaraj
For more information on Product:
Website : Finediningindian.com
Instagram : Chef Bobby Geetha
Youtube Channel : Finediningindian
Recipe By chef Bobby geetha
Chef Bobby geetha is our Indian consultant chef for Brand Finediningindian . He is one the Top 10 chef at BBC master chef season 8 cooking Indian food at International level . He authored Two cook Books published By Finediningindian. Beyond Curry and Indian cuisine evolution .